Monday, December 4, 2017

Lab 3

The purpose of a geodatabase is to store the various pieces of data that is required to complete a given project. For the purpose of this project a hypothedical situation was created where a local business was looking to find optimal placement of a new retail store in the city of Eau Claire. For the this project a personal geodatabase was chosen because the data will only be accessed by one user. The geodatabase was created with the geographic extent of Eau Claire County and have a local coordinate system (NAD_1983_HARN_Adj_WI_EauClaire_Feet) that will minimize geographic distortion for the data.

The datasets that were included were the census tract shapefile from the Americanfactfinder to which the various excel sheets can be joined to. The excel sheets included are demographic information such as different sexes, ages and, income levels that will be chosen at different levels in order to create a suitability matrix.  I’ve also included streets for the county as well as highways and their exists. For the EC_Building layer, I merged two building shapefiles to create the single buildings feature. This will be used to select a building of a high enough square footage that meets the needs of the project. I did not create any subtypes of domains for my data as I did not create any new features other than the one above that required to be merged.

Figure 1. The geodatabase for this projetc

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